More About Student Services, CWA: What We Do
The Charter Oak Unified School District Department of Student Services offers a broad range of support and services to meet the needs of the whole child in the areas of attendance, enrollment, student discipline and conduct, and alternative educational programs. We will always provide these services with the utmost compassion and kindness. Our main goal is to provide comprehensive services that will assist the student in achieving a successful and rewarding educational experience at Charter Oak Unified School District.
Please get in touch with Debbie Redmon, Student Services Technician at [email protected] and/or at 626-966-8331 Ex. 90556; or Joey Strycula, Director of Student Services at [email protected]
Enrollment, Registration, Allen Bill and Transfers:
For questions about Interdistrict transfers (out of district), Intradistrict transfers (Elementary to Elementary), Allen Bill, Registration or Enrollment, contact the COUSD Student Services Department at [email protected]. The COUSD Student Services office is open for business via in-person visits, phone calls and email--however, email is most efficient.
For parents requesting to move outside of the district or to move a student within the district an Interdistrict/Intradistrict Transfer Form is required - link is above
For parents/guardians working within the Charter Oak Unified School District boundary, consider an Allen Bill. Parent/guardian MUST work within the COUSD boundaries for 10-plus hours per week; no exceptions. For more information, please click on the link to access the Allen Bill Form - CLICK HERE
Parent Attendance Resources: If you are experiencing issues with your child's attendance, the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance is here to support you and your family. Click on the link to find tips, strategies and resources that can help increase your child's attendance and ensure their success in school. Please CLICK HERE for additional information
California Compulsory Attendance Law: In California, it is the law that all children between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school full-time, every day that schools are in session. To review the "California Compulsory Attendance Laws - CLICK HERE
Truancy and Unexcused Absences
A student becomes truant when she has missed any combination of 3 or more full days of school, class periods, or is 30 minutes late to class without a valid excuse. If a student becomes habitually truant, she may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). For an in-depth look at our truancy flowchart, CLICK HERE. For the Board Policy on truancy, CLICK HERE
Oak Knoll Virtual Academy- Please visit
Alternative Education (Continuation High School/Community Day School)
Section 504 Learning Plans- Please contact your child's school first regarding Section 504 questions or requests
Charter Oak Unified School District
Legal Notice for Pupils and Parents/Guardians
Bullying and Harassment Policy
The Charter Oak Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on the actual or perceived characteristics of a person's disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This policy applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a District school.
Bullying is defined as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act and including one or more acts committed by a pupil or a group of pupils directed toward one or more pupils that have or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on the pupil's physical or mental health, academic performance or ability to participate to school activities.
Report It
Any person that has been a victim of, or witnessed bullying or harassment on school grounds, during school activities or going to and coming from school is highly encouraged to report the incident immediately to a counselor, administrator or other adult personnel on campus.
The principal or designee shall promptly investigate all complaints of bullying or sexual harassment. The student who reported the complaint shall have an opportunity to describe the incident, present witnesses and other evidence of the bullying or harassment and put his/her complaint in writing. Within a reasonable time of the reported incident, the principal or designee shall review the complaint with the student who reported the complaint. If the student is in disagreement with the outcome of the investigation, an appeal can be initiated at the Department of Student Services located at 20350 E. Cienega Ave. Covina, CA 91724.
A student who has been reported as a victim of a violent offense or bullying as defined by state law is entitled to transfer to another school within or outside the District, under California Education Code 46600 (b). Placement at a requested school is contingent upon space availability. Transfer requests can be obtained at the Department of Student Services located at 20350 E. Cienega Ave. Covina, CA 91724.
District Liason
Department of Student Services
Joey Strycula, Director of Student Services, Child Welfare and Attendance
20350 E. Cienega Ave., Covina, CA 91724
626-966-8331, x90557
Student Services Technician - Debbie Redmon x90556
This page is under construction. The links below are not yet active.
Section 504 Plans
Student Attendance and Truancy
School Attendance Review Teams (SART)
School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
COUSD Attendance Policy Overview
Premiere Academic Saturday School (PASS)
Student Discipline, Expulsion
Capturing Kids Hearts
Pre-expulsion, Expulsion
Involuntary Intra-District Transfer
COUSD Discipline Policy Overview
Alternative Education
Continuation High School – Sunflower: A Model Continuation High School
On-Line Credit Recovery – Oak Knoll Virtual Academy
Teen Parent Program – SPIRITT (Family Counseling Services)
Independent Study
"Tobacco-Free School" Certification